Are you a leader?

Mary’s Meals is a charity, but it’s also a global movement – meaning that all around the world there are hundreds of thousands of people sustaining our work, making it all possible.
We count on support from people from all walks of life in many different places, but there are still countries and regions where Mary’s Meals is not yet known: and we need your help to change that! No one size fits all when it comes to the way people support our work, but when it comes to leading the charge on raising awareness or creating an international fundraising group for Mary’s Meals in your country, we need people with time to spare who can spot opportunities, inspire others, lead initiatives and liaise with our centralised teams on an ongoing basis.
And the rewards are clear: not only will you be helping to enact change in some of the world’s poorest places, but you’ll be building a team that generates positive action and hope for those in your own community. You’ll bring together people who are looking to make a difference, meet new friends or do something meaningful with their skills and hobbies – and, from our experience, we think you’ll have a great time doing it!

Marcelina Bobkowska is one of the founding members of Mary’s Meals in Poland and has channelled her support of our work into creating the diverse, energetic and well-established movement we see in her homeland today. Marcelina's first encounter with Mary’s Meals was in the pilgrimage town of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina where she heard the story of Jimmy Belabre – a young musician from Cité Soleil in Haiti who received Mary’s Meals as a child and now supports other young people as they work towards achieving their dreams. Jimmy’s story left a lasting impression on Marcelina, and when she returned home from her trip, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she must get involved. After visiting the Mary’s Meals information centre in Medjugorje, Marcelina was put in touch with a woman named Joanna from Kraków who was already volunteering in Poland and together they devised an action plan to raise the profile of Mary’s Meals across the country.
Are you feeling inspired to start some Mary’s Meals activity where you live or looking for more information about what is involved in large-scale awareness-raising? If so, please start a conversation with the Mary’s Meals International team by emailing Please include your name, where you live (town/city and country), where you heard about Mary’s Meals and some information about yourself and your background to help us get to know you.