How we use donations

A girl in India makes a heart symbol with her hands

How we spend donations

The aims of Mary's Meals

MMI has a specific role in the Mary’s Meals movement to deliver on the vision and mission through the following charitable objectives:

  • To provide a daily meal, in a place of education, for children in the world’s poorest communities;
  • To provide relief for those suffering, in any part of the world, as a result of humanitarian crises or poverty, to help people escape poverty and to provide care for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children and to work for the prevention thereof
  • To raise awareness worldwide of poverty issues through education;
  • To assist and support the work of other organisations, financially or otherwise, in particular members of the Mary’s Meals network throughout the world, the objectives of which would be considered to be charitable purposes and similar in nature to these objectives.
Food is served by volunteers in Zambia

We keep our running costs low

As an organisation working in some of the world’s poorest communities, we keep our running costs low to maximise the good we can do with the donations entrusted to us.

This is only possible because most of our work is done by an army of volunteers in our fundraising countries and in the communities where we work, who carry out lots of little acts of love on our behalf.

A volunteer gives a thumbs up

Our finances

We believe in the good stewardship of all resources entrusted to us, and we aim to be open and accountable to all our supporters and everyone involved in our work. For more information, see our annual reports below.

A young boy reads at a book at school.

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for a whole school year.

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