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Children at school in Ethiopia

Hope reborn in Ethiopia

We’re now reaching more than 110,000 children in Ethiopia with Mary’s Meals, helping to transform lives in the Tigray region.

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In different circumstances we might, as a Mary’s Meals family, feel quite proud of some recent achievements. For example, earlier this year we ran an appeal for children suffering in Tigray, Ethiopia. Witnessing a truly appalling humanitarian catastrophe – one that is already taking lives by starvation and robbing children of their futures by preventing school attendance – we wanted to expand our school feeding programme as quickly as possible. 

Your response was yet again overwhelming and beautiful. Each gift made toward that appeal is already making a tangible difference in children’s lives, having enabled us to grow our programme very rapidly. Instead of providing 24,000 children in Tigray with daily meals – as we were previously – we are now reaching more than 110,000! 

a queue of displaced peoples collecting food from an aid station

This remarkable growth has been achieved under hugely challenging circumstances, following a war that took an estimated 600,000 lives, has left nearly a million people displaced, and shattered all sorts of infrastructure. In the aftermath, an ongoing drought means that farming cannot resume at scale. And yet despite all this, through your amazing support and the dedication of our teams (especially our partner in Tigray), Mary’s Meals has found a way to go forward. 

Schools on the verge of closure have new life. Hope is being reborn in the form of smiling children filling school classrooms. Lives are being saved. Dreams of a better day are once again alive. 

Two girls laughing together

Mary’s Meals works! Even in the most challenging situations, your donations become simple school meals that transform everything – and not just in Tigray. 

Recently we began providing Mary’s Meals in Mozambique for the first time – a country prone to extreme weather where people are suffering terrible hunger. One community leader told us: “This programme couldn’t have come at a better time. There is nothing in the fields, and with the lean season upon us, I don’t know what would have happened.” 

So yes, there are reasons to be proud. But can we really feel proud when we still see neighbouring schools with empty classrooms crying out for Mary’s Meals to reach them, whilst outside emaciated children beg to survive? Of course not. 

But we can take satisfaction from a job well done and be greatly reassured that every action in support of Mary’s Meals really does have a life-changing impact on children living in poverty. And we can use this as fuel to go forward to reach the next child waiting. 

As we do, on behalf of every child who is receiving our meals and has new hope for the future, I thank you with all my heart. God bless. 

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow is the founder and CEO of Mary's Meals.


It costs just £19.15, €22, $25.20 USD or $31.70 CAD to provide a child with school meals for an entire school year. Learn more about our work in Ethiopia and Mozambique, and how the promise of a daily meal at school enables the children we serve to receive an education. 

Feed a child for a year

It costs just £19.15