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Walk to Knock – Boosting morale through afternoon tea

Step by step – a walk to Knock

The annual walk to the village of Knock is an opportunity to experience simple, yet inspirational, acts of kindness from people and supporters along the way.

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Each year in August, people from all over Ireland walk to the Marian shrine in the village of Knock, County Mayo, to raise money for Mary’s Meals. Traditionally, walkers set off from seven starting points across Ireland between 7 to 15 August, covering more than 200km over nine days – all arriving in Knock on the same day, 15 August.

At Mary’s Meals, we use this opportunity to raise awareness and vital funds to help feed hungry children in some of the world’s poorest communities. I first took part in our annual “Step by Step” walk in 2013 and have taken part in the walk to Knock every year since

People who aren’t able to commit to such a long walk support in different ways, such as offering accommodation and food to walkers along the route. Some people get involved by walking locally around their own communities to spread awareness of our work, while others collect donations or are support drivers that provide assistance to our walkers along the route.

In this article, I’d like to share some of the stories and experiences from this year’s “Step by Step” walk that continue to inspire me now, long after it has ended.

Walk to Knock – arriving in Knock

The kindness of strangers

This year on the first day of our walk, an elderly man stood patiently at the end of a lane, eagerly waiting for the procession of walkers. As they passed by, he unexpectedly stopped them to share a donation of €20. With a sense of warmth and purpose, he watched the walkers continue on their journey before turning to head back down his lane. 

Little did he realise the profound impact this simple act of kindness had on our group. The boost in energy and motivation he gave to us was palpable, and I’m sure the joy we expressed in return filled his heart with happiness. 

It was a beautiful reminder of how a simple gesture can create a ripple effect of positivity, turning an ordinary moment into something truly extraordinary.

Walk to Knock – afternoon tea

Boosting morale through afternoon tea

Tea is not just a refreshment – it's a gesture that fosters community and support, especially during the walks. Over the years, I've witnessed an array of delightful treats emerging from the boots and back seats of cars that have provided sustenance both mentally and physically.

This year, Marion and Gillian from Mary’s Meals Roscommon elevated our group’s experience by organising an afternoon tea party right at the side of the road! With pretty teacups, a delightful teapot and a lovely tea cozy, they created a warm, inviting atmosphere that made each walker feel truly special. 

All these simple gestures of hospitality reflect our shared commitment to the children we serve, turning our walk into a profound expression of love and hope.

Walk to Knock – at the Yeats restaurant

The resilience of our donation collectors

Every aspect of our walk matters. For our donation collectors, it can feel a little isolated asking for money on a busy main street or at a petrol station, with the Irish wind whipping up around them and cars speeding past. They show great resilience and patience and always have a smile on their faces.

The encouragement from those who donate is inspiring, as are the supportive words from onlookers about our collectors’ important work. This mirrors the impact we have on the children we serve – the children receive meals and encouragement from their teachers, giving them hope for a brighter future. Together, we create a supportive cycle that fosters change and uplifts spirits.

Walk to Knock – all together

Helping to feed children in their place of education

This year, different groups of walkers started from across Ireland – Donegal, Dublin, Armagh, Fermanagh Tipperary, Kilkenny and Limerick – with 70 of us all arriving in Knock on 15 August. 

And it’s with great pride I can announce that our walkers have raised more than €225,000 from this year’s walk, and walkers coming from Norther Ireland have raised a further £22,000. This will enable us to feed 11,375 children in their place of education for an entire school year. 

Not bad for the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other.

Patricia Friel is the Executive Director of Mary's Meals Ireland.


It costs just £19.15€22, $25.20 USD or $31.70 CAD to provide a child with school meals for an entire school year. Learn how you can take part in our “Step by Step” walk and how you can get involved with Mary's Meals to help us to reach the next hungry child.

Feed a child for a year

It costs just £19.15